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FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

About the University

FH Munster University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest and most successful public universities of applied sciences in Germany and was founded on 1 August 1971. The university is a practice-oriented, international, and interdisciplinary university with research and innovation at its core. Apart from that, the university is also a rising employer and has a benchmark for excellent teaching. Moreover, 15,000 students study at the university every year.


FH Munster University of Applied Sciences
FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

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University Rankings

According to the current statistics, the university holds up good rankings at 2346 of 14,160 in the world, 730 of 2,789 in Europe, 93 of 370 in Germany, 19 of 65 in North-Rhine Westphalia, 2 of 4 in Munster, and 1216 of 1,841 in Optical Engineering.


Courses offered by the FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

The University offers a wide range of interdisciplinary course programs for students. Following are the faculties in which these degree programs are provided:

Jobs & Internships – FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

Internships are great ways to get some hands-on experience. Primarily, students can work as ‘HiWi’s in the university. Apart from that, part-time job opportunities are available in stores, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. Moreover, companies like Dirk Rossman, Lidl, REWE, TMS, New Yorker, etc offer jobs through online portals.

Housing and Accommodation

House hunting is a little difficult in Munster therefore students should start looking for accommodation much earlier. The”Student Housing Work Group” is a university initiative for helping students to find accommodation. Dormitories, students halls, shared and sublet apartments, single and double rooms, etc are available for students and can be found through online portals. Apart from that, private accommodation can be searched through bulletin boards, newspapers, etc. Moreover, the average rent for rooms in Munster is €323/month.

Cost of Living

Munster is a moderately expensive city in the Westphalia region. Furthermore, the average cost of living in Munster is €830/month which includes the rent, food, clothing, utilities, etc. Apart from that, students also need to pay a mandatory semester fee of €302/semester. Moreover, students can manage their expenses by moderating and regulating their lifestyles and preferences.

Places to Visit Near FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

Munster is a city in the western region of the country which is multi-faceted. It’s a city of science and learning with Gothic and Romanesque architecture. Following are some of the places students can explore during their downtime from university life:

In a nutshell, FH Munster University of Applied Sciences combines years of tradition with modern innovation to provide a unique interdisciplinary education which is a major draw for international students across the globe.

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