Accommodation in Germany- Everything you need to know

Accommodation in Germany- Everything you need to know
Moving to a new city can be thrilling and challenging at the same time. The biggest challenge people face is “Accommodation”. When it comes to living in a place for the long run, everyone has their own needs. If you wish to study in Germany, this post will guide you to get the place of your choice, preference, liking, and budget in Germany.
If we talk about students, there are two options for them. The economical option is the student unions’ hall of residence and a little more exorbitant option to accommodate private accommodation. Although, according to the Deutsches Studentenwerk, the German Hall of residence is only occupied by 10% of the student population.

Here are a few tips that might help you to find the perfect accommodation in Germany:
- The degree of apartment supply and demand depends on the city. While this point is quite common in pretty much every country, Germany is no different. Finding accommodation in busy cities like Frankfurt and Berlin can be quite challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. So make sure if you are going to any such city, start finding accommodation at least 90 days before arrival.
- German tends to rent a flat instead of buying one. If you have no idea yet about Germany, it can be difficult to find flats in Germany. Before going there, make sure you have answered a few decisive questions like budget, do you prefer living alone or with someone, location, whether it should be located on the campus or the city (if you are a student), etc. Some useful rental portals might be, Immobilienscout24, Immowelt, etc.
- There are two types of apartments, Furnished and Unfurnished. You can expect to pay around 500-1000 euros per month for a one-room flat, depending upon amenities and place. For a temporary stay, you can find furnished, shared/private flats as well in Germany. One of the web portals that might help you is WG-Gesucht.
- Accommodation for the first few days. There is a lot of paperwork to do before you can settle into your permanent accommodation. Some temporary options include Cheap hostels (Avg. €81/night), Low-Cost Hotels (Avg. €27.90-€62.38/night), Youth Hostels (Avg. €14.28-€42.83/night), Private B&B (Avg. €195.64/night) and Guest House (Avg. €33.38-€89.19/night).
Some additional tips that might be useful:
- Make sure to book your transportation from the airport. There is a difference in prices for online reservations and getting a taxi/cab from the airport.
- A more inexpensive way to find accommodation in Germany (students only), is to drop in a request in the Student Union of the city you are studying in. They help you get the perfect place according to your budget.
- Visit the Local Resident Registration Office to register your address as your place to stay.
These are just some tips to help you get started and prepared for finding accommodation. Prices may vary from place to place. Do your research beforehand, explore the places and options that aren’t available on the net and take the help of local people to start a new phase of your life without much hindrance!
Germany’s Warm Rent and Cold Rent
They are referred to in German as “kaltmiete” (cold rent) and “warmmiete” (warm rent). Moreover, they represent two distinct methods of paying for your residence.
- Kaltmiete (cold rent) is the one-time rental payment you make. The cost of the flat (or room, house or whatever else you’re living in) is the only benefit covered by this fee.
- Warmmiete (warm rent), though a little more challenging, offers additional benefits. A warm rent charge covers your rent as well as other expenses (such as heating and other necessities for maintaining your house).
Also read,
How to find accommodation in Germany: Winter Semester 2022: Everything you need to know
How to find accommodation in Germany: Summer Semester 2022: Everything you need to know
Renting in Germany: A Complete Guide to Finding Your New Home
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