
ECTS Credits Calculator

About ECTS calculator

The ECTS credits calculator or European Credit and Transfer and Accumulation System is basically a grading system. Moreover, this helps students in hopping from one university to the other by providing them with a common grading platform. Furthermore, the grades are subdivided on a scale from A to F. In a nutshell, ECTS is a platform that facilitates students in their studies by this credit transfer system, which will provide due recognition to the study obtained in the previous institute.


How does the ECTS Credit calculator work?

After completion of every course/seminar/module, students receive ECTS credit points. Each point depicts the workload they accomplished in that particular period. A few examples of ECTS credit points per degree type include:

    • 60 ECTS credits- Dedicated for a full year of academic study.
    • 120 ECTS credits- For a 2year master’s degree program.
    • 180 ECTS credits- In relation to a 3year bachelor’s degree program.
    • 240 ECTS credits- Dedicated for a bachelor’s degree program that extends up to 4years.

Moreover, there are several prominent international study destinations that are using the ECTS system, namely, the UK, Germany, Sweden, France, Spain, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, 1ECTS credit points may be equivalent to different study hours depending on the country. For instance,


  1. 1 ECTS = 30 study hours (In Germany, Belgium, Romania, and Hungary)
  2. 1 ECTS = 27 study hours (In Finland)
  3. A single ECTS = 28 study hours (In The Netherlands, Portugal)
  4. A single ECTS = 25 study hours (In Austria, Italy, and Spain)

Study hours hare divided into lecture and self-study hours. Self-study means the given time
to complete an assignment & understand the subject matter. It refers to the
time spent on work outside the class.

So if you have 1 hour of lectures & 1 hour of out-of-class student work weekly, each
for 15 weeks, that equals to 30 hours. That’s 1 ECTS credit.



    • ECTS is based on the principle that 60 credits measure the workload of a full-time student during one academic year. The student workload of a full-time study programme in Europe amounts in most cases to around 1500-1800 hours per year and in those cases one credit stands for around 25 to 30 working hours.
    •  Credits in ECTS can only be obtained after successful completion of the work required and appropriate assessment of the learning outcomes achieved. Learning outcomes are sets of competences, expressing what the student will know, understand or be able to do after completion of a process of learning, long or short.
    • Student workload in ECTS consists of the time required to complete all planned learning activities such as attending lectures, seminars, independent and private study, preparation of projects and examinations.
    • Credits are allocated to all educational components of a study programme (such as modules, courses, placements, dissertation work, etc.) and reflect the quantity of work each component requires to achieve its specific objectives or learning outcomes in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of study successfully.
    • The performance of the student is documented by a local/national grade. It is good practice to add an ECTS grade, in particular in case of credit transfer. The ECTS grading scale ranks the students on a statistical basis. Therefore, statistical data on student performance is a prerequisite for applying the ECTS grading system. Grades are assigned among students with a pass grade as follows:

A best 10%
B next 25%
C next 30%
D next 25%
E next 10%

A distinction is made between the grades FX and F that are used for unsuccessful students. FX means: “fail- some more work required to pass” and F means: “fail – considerable further work required”. The inclusion of failure rates in the Transcript of Records is optional.


What are ECTS credits good for?

They make the student performance comparable and transparent. In addition to that, they are merely a supplement to the local grading system. Since its totally based upon the class percentile, hence, it allows students to critically analyze their position in class with respect to others. Whereas the other benefits include:

  • You will have the liberty to pursue a Bachelor’s degree from one country and a Master’s from another within the EU.
  • Since education is recognized all over the EU, you can get a job anywhere.
  • Simplified academic paperworks.
  • Less differentiation among students from local and international universities.
  • The number of credits will remain the same irrespective of the discipline.
  • Even though you drop out of a course due to some emergency, ECTS credits will aid in proving your academic achievements so that you don’t have to take the same courses all over again.
  • One can easily make out the complexity of the course based on the number of credits offered on its completion.

Since the ECTS Credits calculator has its fair share of benefits and allows students to opt for different study destinations during their learning years. Meanwhile, it simplifies the transfer of students’ academic achievement from one university to another.


How to convert our grade to ECTS?

Use our ECTS credits calculator and resolve your queries!


How to convert your marks to German grades?

Use our German grade calculator and calculate the German grade equivalent to your score.

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