
Repentance Day

Repentance Day

In the German state of Saxony, the Day of Prayer and Repentance, or Buss- und Bettag, is observed as a public holiday. It occurs 11 days before the beginning of Advent on the final Wednesday before November 23. Protestant Christians can use this time to pray or meditate quietly.

Historical relevance

In the German state of Saxony, the Day of Prayer and Repentance, or Buss- und Bettag, is observed as a public holiday. It occurs 11 days before the beginning of Advent on the final Wednesday before November 23. Protestant Christians can use this time to pray or meditate quietly.

What Do Individuals Do on Repentance Day?

Some Protestant Christians pray, contemplate, or think deeply for the majority of the Day of Prayer and Repentance. The day presents an opportunity for others in the German state of Saxony to spend time with family or friends.

Fulfillment in 2023 and 2024

2023 Wed 22 Nov Silent Day
2023 Wed 22 Nov Christian, Common local holiday
2023 Wed 22 Nov Observance, Christian
2024 Wed 20 Nov Observance, Christian
2024 Wed 20 Nov Silent Day
2024 Wed 20 Nov Christian, Common local holiday

German Society on Repentance Day

In 2019, Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble bemoaned the 1994 elimination of the Day of Prayer and Repentance (Buß- und Bettag). Remorse is a powerful healer, but it’s sadly infrequent in our daily life, Schäuble stated (all trumpet translation). It aids in preventing “fantasies of omnipotence,” he claimed. The German people have frequently been reminded of the importance of repentance during crises. However, few people, if any, are aware of what this federal holiday formerly symbolized at a time when several crises were affecting Germany.

Repentance Day: Is it a Public Holiday?

In Bavaria, the Saarland, and Saxony, 2023 is observed as a silent day. It is also a Christian local holiday in Saxony and a national holiday in five states.

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Public Holidays in Germany

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