bielefeld university data science
Bielefeld University data science- Bielefeld University is ranked 166 among all universities in the World by QS World ranking. And was ranked 20th among Youngs University Rankings. It was also ranked 49th by Times Higher Education in engineering and technology. Universities have been ranked 151-200 in the 2019 European Teaching Ranking. Bielefeld is placed among the top 50 universities in engineering and technology by THE ranking in 2011. Currently, the university is ranked 3008 of 14160 universities in the World; 880 of 2789 in Europe; 117 of 370 in Germany; 24 of 65 in North-Rhine Westphalia; 2 of 4 in Bielefeld. Bielefeld University was established in Germany as a public institution in 1969. The goal of the university is to be a Reform University. The university is situated near the Teutoburg Forest in the west of Bielefeld. There are 116 undergraduate and graduate programs provided by the university which has rapidly established itself. It came up among the first of the German universities to switch some faculties e.g. biology to Bachelor or Master-degrees as part of the Bologna Process.
Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University About the University Bielefeld University was established in Germany as a public institution in 1969. The goal of…
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