University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd

University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
About University
The University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd is a public research university located in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It was founded in 1825 as the Pädagogisches Institut Schwäbisch Gmünd, and later in 1962, it was transformed into a university. The university has two campuses one is Campus Hardt, the main campus situated in the neighborhood of Oberbettringer near downtown Schwäbisch Gmünd and another one is located in downtown Schwäbisch Gmünd and only houses some music students.
Image of University
Overall Ranking- University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
The present analysis states that the University is on the position 4529 of 14,160 in the World, 1220 of 2,789 in Europe, 178 of 370 in Germany, 29 of 62 in Baden-Wurttemberg, and 1 of 2 in In Schwabisch Gmund.
Courses offered- University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
Courses provided by the university are:-
Bachelor courses
- Health promotion
- Health promotion and prevention
- Engineering pedagogy
- Childhood Education
- Teaching degree in elementary school
- Teaching qualification for secondary level
- Nursing science
Masters courses
- Education
- German Studies and Interculturality / Multilingualism
- Health promotion and prevention
- Engineering pedagogy
- Interculturality and Integration
- Childhood and Social Education
- Primary school teacher
- Teaching qualification lower secondary level
- Nursing Education
- Nursing science
Teacher training courses (Bachelor + Master)
- Primary school teacher
- Teaching qualification lower secondary level
- Teaching at vocational schools (B.Eng. / M.Sc. engineering pedagogy)
Certificate study
- Language pedagogy
- Syriac Orthodox Theology / Religious Education
Scholarship and Financial Aid
No information about this is given on University’s portal. In case of any update, data will be updated here as well.
Internships near University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
Jobs and internships are easily available for students to finance their studies. They can work at university as a student assistant or can look for a job in the outside market. They can earn up to 450 EUR/month. Vacancies can be easily searched through online portals in organizations such as, Pacura med GmbH, and many more.
Jobs Near University
No information about this is given on University’s portal. In case of any update, data will be updated here as well.
Housing and accommodation
Students can apply at students’ resident for accommodation. They can also look for a private stay in the outside market on their own. Accommodation is generally available in form of single and shared rooms or apartments. The amount of rent is around 400-500 Eur/month including internet, water and electricity bills.
Cost of living
The expenses of living entirely are up to the lifestyle of students and the city they choose to live in. The average cost of, living will not exceed 900 EUR/month but students have to pay a mandatory payment of the semester fee. The amount of the semester fee is approx. 145 EUR/semester which also includes a semester ticket for local transport.
Places to visit near University
Some popular places to visit near the university are:-
- Europa-Park- It is an amazing amusement park with rides.
- Mercedes-Benz Museum- It is an automobile museum with vintage cars.
- Mainau- It is a lake island with parks and gardens.
- Porsche Museum- It is the showcase of legendry racing cars.
- Vitra Design Museum- It is a design museum of furniture and lighting.
The university has successfully enrolled over 3,000 students. The students get to benefit from huge opportunities to gain skills through profile areas, extension courses, projects in the research and application centers.