Nuertingen-Geislingen University

Nuertingen-Geislingen University
About Nuertingen-Geislingen University
Nuertingen-Geislingen University is a non-profit public university.It was founded in the year 1949. This University is located in the Stuttgart area, in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Their main focus lies within the subject areas of Business & Economics as well as Agriculture & Landscape Planning. The University has 32 full-time degree programs. The University has 5131 students,132 professors,422 lecturers, and 298 employees.
Image of University
Overall Ranking of Nuertingen-Geislingen University
The University has a ranking of 4954 of 14,160 in the World,1334 of 2,789 in Europe,198 of 370 in Germany, and 33 of 62 in Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Courses offered for International Students
Nuertingen-Geislingen University offers courses in the following subjects at different Bachelor or Master levels:
- Finance and Accounting
- Marketing
- Economics
- Management, Innovation, and Sustainability
- International Business and Management
- International Management and Organizational Behavior
- German Society and Culture
- Business English
- Landscape Architecture
Scholarship and Financial Aid
No information about this is given on University’s portal. In case of any update, data will be updated here as well.
Internships near Nuertingen-Geislingen University
This University has very good contacts with nearby companies. The University can help students with internships which are usually run for 3 to 6 months. It helps students to gain professional experience. Apart from that, Sony Europe BV, Siemens AG, Porsche AG, IBM, etc provide internship opportunities.
Jobs near the University
Students can do part-time jobs to bear expenses. They can join as a Hiwi in universities or they can also do any part-time job outside the campus. Many jobs are available in the market. For example, cashiers, babysitters, bartenders, waiters/waitresses at cafes, etc are available in the market. Companies like, DHL, The Exchange, Sandro, Intland Software, etc give students part-time jobs
Housing and Accommodation
Students can rent a room in the dormitories of Nuertingen or Geislingen. The monthly rent of accommodation in Nuertingen dormitories will be around 230 Euros per month. In Geislingen, the price of accommodation will be approximately 200 Euros-270 Euros per month. Students can also look for private accommodations outside the campus.
Cost of living
The University charges tuition fees of 1,500 Euros per semester for non-EU students. There is a semester contribution of 190 Euros per semester. This includes a semester ticket that allows students to use public transports in the Stuttgart metropolitan area. Overall, the cost of living will be around 900 Euros per month excluding tuition fees.
Places to visit near the University
Stuttgart is the capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The city has the headquarters of Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. Some popular places of this city are:
- Mercedes-Benz Museum-It is an automobile museum located in Stuttgart.
- Porsche Museum-It is a museum of legendary racing cars.
- Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart-It is a public library in the city.
- Wilhelma-It is a zoological-botanical garden located in the city.
- Staatsgalerie Stuttgart-It is an art museum.
Located in one of the strongest economic regions in Germany and Europe, this university has good contacts with over 80 partner universities all over the world. The university takes part in social, cultural, and economic life in the cities of Nuertingen and Geislingen.