

Hochschule is the generic term in German for institutions of higher education, corresponding to universities and colleges in English. This category contains information about universities that you can choose if you are planning for higher education. Some of the best universities are RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Barenboim-Said Akademie, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, etc. You will get all the information about each university individually with their overall rankings, internships or jobs available near them, information regarding housing & accommodation, cost of living, courses for international students, and all that you are supposed to keep in your knowledge. Part-time jobs and living are two very basic and very important aspects for international students. Generally, part-time jobs are chosen by students who wish to handle their finances on their own. There are many part-time jobs available for university students which also include working as research associates or under Professors at universities. Students can usually find part-time jobs using an internet portal. Apart from this, there is loads of information on How To Abroad that students need to know.

Coming back to Hochschule, the German education system knows two different types of universities, which do not have the same legal status. The term Hochschule can be used to refer to all the institutions of higher education in Germany that confer academic degrees, that is both regular universities and Fachhochschulen, which is a university of applied sciences, in other words, a German tertiary education institution that provides vocational education in many applied sciences and applied arts, such as engineering, technology, business, architecture, etc. At How To Abroad you can find a lot about Germany and German universities and also a lot more about Hochschule.

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