
HIWI Jobs in Germany: Everything you need to Know

In Germany, it is common for many students to engage in part-time work alongside their studies. Notably, some students take up positions as Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi) in research centres, libraries, or universities, while others opt for roles such as waiters or babysitters. International students studying in Germany are also allowed to work. HiWi jobs provide students with valuable work experience and the chance to develop practical skills in their chosen field while pursuing their education. Some typical HiWi job responsibilities encompass data analysis, literature research, laboratory assistance, programming, tutoring, and administrative tasks.

“HiWi” is used to designate two distinct employee categories:

  •   Academic assistants

This term is commonly employed to describe students who have completed an undergraduate program, such as a Bachelor’s degree, by the university regulations in most federal states.

  •   Student assistants 

Students who are enrolled in degree programs but have not yet finished their degrees are also referred to as student assistants.

To find Hiwi jobs in Germany, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check university websites

Visit the websites of universities or research institutions in Germany that align with your field of study. Most institutions have job portals or dedicated pages for Hiwi job listings.

  2. Contact professors and research groups

Reach out to professors or research groups directly and inquire about available Hiwi positions. Sometimes, these positions may not be advertised publicly but can be secured through personal connections or by expressing interest in ongoing research projects.

  3. Online job portals

Also. Explore popular online job portals in Germany such as Indeed, StepStone, Academic Positions, or Jobs in Research. Use keywords like “HiWi,” “studentische Hilfskraft,” or “research assistant” in your search.

  4. University notice boards and bulletin boards

Check the notice boards or bulletin boards at your university. Often, professors or departments will post job opportunities for Hiwi positions.

  5. Career services

Furthermore, to make the most of the opportunities, it is advisable to proactively make use of your university’s career services or job placement offices. These valuable resources can provide crucial information regarding available HiWi positions or offer guidance on where to locate them. By leveraging these services, you can enhance your chances of finding suitable HiWi roles that align with your interests and academic goals.

  6. Networking

Moreover, make an effort to attend career fairs, seminars, or conferences that are relevant to your field of study. These events provide excellent networking opportunities where you can connect with professionals and researchers who may have valuable information about HiWi positions or can recommend you to relevant opportunities. On the other hand, Building connections in your academic community can significantly expand your chances of securing a desirable HIWI role.

Universities in Germany offer Hiwi jobs to students

  1. Technical University of Munich
  2. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  3. Heidelberg University
  4. Freie Universität Berlin
  5. Humboldt University of Berlin
  6. University of Bonn
  7. University of Cologne
  8. University of Hamburg
  9. RWTH Aachen University
  10. University of Stuttgart

Additionally, Hiwi posts are available at smaller German universities and research centres. To find more chances, it’s a good idea to browse the websites of colleges or research organisations in your area of interest.

Some key details about Hiwi jobs in Germany

 1. Part-time employment

Hiwi jobs are typically part-time positions, allowing students to balance their work and studies. The number of working hours per week can vary, usually ranging from 10 to 20 hours.

 2. Eligibility

Hiwi positions are often available to students enrolled at a German university. Some positions may also be open to recent graduates or non-students with relevant qualifications.

 3. Fields of work

Hiwi positions are available in various academic disciplines, including natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and more. The specific tasks depend on the department, research project, or professor you are working with.

 4. Job Responsibilities

Hiwis assist academic staff with their research and teaching activities. This can involve tasks such as data collection and analysis, literature reviews, laboratory work, programming, assisting with experiments, administrative support, tutoring, or grading assignments.

 5. Duration and contracts

Hiwi positions can have fixed-term contracts that align with the academic semester or project duration. Contracts are often renewed based on performance and availability of funding.

 6. Compensation

Hiwi jobs are paid positions, and the salary is based on the collective bargaining agreement for student assistants in Germany. The exact amount varies depending on factors such as the institution, location, and qualifications.

 7. Advantages

Hiwi jobs provide valuable practical experience in your field of study, allowing you to apply and enhance your knowledge. They offer networking opportunities, a chance to work closely with professors and researchers, and potential recommendations for future employment or academic endeavours.

Salary of HIWI jobs in Germany

  • Students should be mindful of annual work restrictions: 120 full days and 240 half days.
  • Moreover, it is important to note that exceeding these restrictions by working more than 20 hours per week can have consequences.
  • There is a €450 monthly income cap for students.
  • Income over €450 is subject to standard German taxes.
  • Income below €450 is exempt from taxes.
  • Working excessive hours may result in the loss of health insurance subsidies.
  • Insurance via TK allows for earning up to €435 per month.
  • Beyond that, long-term nursing care and social security contributions apply, leading to increased annual costs.
  • Academic positions in Germany fall into distinct categories.
  • Accepting a student assistant position at your university or institution does not count against the 120-day quota.
  • Subsidized coverage remains in effect until student registration expires.
  • When registered as a student, you are not considered an official employee.
  • Considerations when looking for work in Germany include understanding the different position categories and the impact on insurance coverage.

Hiwi jobs in Germany are part-time research or student assistant positions offered at universities and research institutions. They provide practical work experience while students balance their studies. Tasks include data analysis, research, programming, tutoring, and administrative support. Hiwi positions are available to enrolled students with fixed-term contracts. Opportunities can be found through universities, job portals, networking, and career services. Consider work restrictions, income caps, and impacts on health insurance and taxes. Hiwi jobs offer valuable experience, networking, and recommendations.

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