
10 Top Attractions and Things to do in Brandenburg, Germany

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10 Top Attractions and Things To Do in Brandenburg, Germany


Brandenburg, Germany offers a charming mix of rich history, beautiful scenes, and social encounters. Investigate the astonishing Sanssouci Castle and Gardens in Potsdam, witness the famous Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, and submerge yourself in the energetic expressions and nightlife scenes. Whether you’re attracted to historical landmarks, serene lakes, or lively urban atmospheres, Brandenburg has something for each explorer’s taste.

History & Culture of Brandenburg, Germany

Castle in Bradenburg

Brandenburg, situated in northeastern Germany, flaunts an entrancing history that goes back hundreds of years. From its old roots to the current day, the region has seen huge occasions that have shaped its culture and identity. Find the appeal of delightful scenes, memorable urban communities, and a mix of modernity and transition.

Our process through Brandenburg’s set of experiences is an invitation to investigate. Imagine walking in castles’ footsteps, walking around noteworthy roads, and being part of a culture that makes this region exceptional. Brandenburg is hanging tight for you, prepared to share its stories and make new ones with every visitor.

Activities to do in Brandenburg, Germany

Berlin Ariel Image

1) Sanssouci Palace and Gardens (Potsdam):

Explore the stunning Sanssouci Palace, a masterpiece of rococo architecture surrounded by enchanting gardens. This UNESCO World Heritage site was once the summer residence of Frederick the Great, offering a glimpse into royal opulence and lush landscapes.

2) Brandenburg Gate (Berlin):

Stand before the iconic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, a symbol of unity and peace. This historical monument has witnessed centuries of events and is a must-visit landmark that beautifully blends history with modern urban life.

3) Wannsee Lake (Berlin):

Escape to the serene shores of Wannsee Lake, a picturesque getaway for relaxation and water activities. Enjoy a peaceful boat ride or simply unwind by the waterfront, surrounded by nature.

4) Tropical Islands Resort (Krausnick):

Experience a tropical paradise in an unexpected location at the Tropical Islands Resort. This indoor water park, housed in a former airship hangar, offers a unique blend of entertainment, water attractions, and tropical landscapes.

4) Museum Island (Berlin):

Immerse yourself in art and culture at Museum Island in Berlin. This UNESCO-listed site hosts several world-renowned museums, including the Pergamon Museum and the Neues Museum, showcasing ancient artifacts and priceless artworks.

5) Babelsberg Palace (Potsdam):

Visit Babelsberg Palace, a historic residence surrounded by beautiful gardens. The palace reflects a mix of architectural styles and provides a glimpse into Prussian royal life.

6) Spreewald Biosphere Reserve:

Discover the enchanting Spreewald region, known for its network of canals, traditional wooden boats, and picturesque landscapes. Explore the unique ecosystem and indulge in local culinary delights.

7) Charlottenburg Palace (Berlin):

Step into the grandeur of Charlottenburg Palace, the largest palace in Berlin. Marvel at its baroque architecture, stroll through the opulent gardens and explore the rich history within its walls.

8) Berlin Wall Memorial:

Delve into the historical significance of the Berlin Wall Memorial, commemorating the division and reunification of Germany. The site provides insights into the Cold War era and features a documentation center.

9) Pfaueninsel (Peacock Island):

Escape to the charming Pfaueninsel, an island on the Havel River known for its romantic landscapes and resident peacocks. The island is a peaceful retreat, perfect for a stroll or a boat ride.

These attractions offer a diverse and captivating experience, showcasing the rich cultural, historical, and natural wonders that Brandenburg has to offer.

City Gems of Brandenburg

Brand front of the brandenburg gate, Berlin
Brand front of the brandenburg gate, Berlin

Let’s explore a few notable city gems in this enchanting region:

1) Potsdam: Sanssouci Palace and Gardens

Explore the opulent Sanssouci Palace, surrounded by meticulously landscaped gardens. Wander through the historical Dutch Quarter, known for its charming red-brick buildings.

2) Berlin: Brandenburg Gate

Stand in awe of the iconic Brandenburg Gate, a symbol of German unity. Discover the vibrant neighborhoods of Kreuzberg and Prenzlauer Berg, each with its unique character.

3) Cottbus: Branitz Park and Castle

Immerse yourself in the picturesque Branitz Park, designed by Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau. Visit Branitz Castle, an architectural gem with its distinctive pyramidal towers.

4) Wittenberg: Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Step into history at Wittenberg, where Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation. Explore the Castle Church, where Luther famously nailed his 95 Theses.

5) Brandenburg an der Havel: Cathedral Island

Visit Cathedral Island, an island in the heart of the city with its impressive cathedral and historical buildings. Explore the Industrial Museum, showcasing the city’s rich industrial past.

6) Neuruppin: Fontane Therme and Old Town

Relax at Fontane Therme, a thermal bath offering rejuvenating experiences. Stroll through the well-preserved Old Town, characterized by charming architecture.

7) Frankfurt (Oder): Viadrina University and Oderturm

Explore Viadrina University, a historic institution fostering cultural exchange. Admire the Oderturm, the city’s tallest building, offering panoramic views.

8) Schwedt: Uckermark Nature Park

Discover the natural beauty of Uckermark Nature Park, perfect for hiking and outdoor activities. Visit the Schwedt Oil Refinery, an interesting industrial landmark.

9) Luckenwalde: Fläming-Therme and Historic Marketplace

Unwind at Fläming-Therme, a wellness oasis with thermal baths. Experience the charm of the historic marketplace, surrounded by colorful facades.

10) Eisenhüttenstadt: Industrial Heritage and Fürstenberg Castle

Explore Eisenhüttenstadt’s industrial heritage, exemplified by the former steelworks. Visit Fürstenberg Castle, an imposing structure with a rich history.

These city gems showcase the diversity and cultural richness of Brandenburg, inviting visitors to explore its historical, architectural, and natural treasures.

University in Brandenburg, Germany

Brandenburg is home to several notable universities and educational institutions. Here are a few prominent ones:

The University of Potsdam, Germany image
The University of Potsdam, Germany image

 1) University of Potsdam:

Located in Potsdam, this university is known for its beautiful campus and offers a wide range of programs in arts, science, and social sciences.

 2) Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg:

With campuses in Cottbus and Senftenberg, this university focuses on engineering, environmental sciences, and business-related disciplines.

 3) European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder):

Situated in Frankfurt (Oder), this university has a strong emphasis on international relations, law, and cultural studies.

4) University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg:

Based in Brandenburg an der Havel, this University of Applied Sciences provides practical-oriented programs in fields such as engineering, business, and health.

5) Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF:

Located in Potsdam-Babelsberg, this film school is known for its strong emphasis on practical film education and is one of the oldest film schools in the world.

If you’re considering pursuing education in Germany, a company like “HowToAbroad” can assist you in navigating the admission process, providing valuable guidance and support for your educational journey.

Popular Local Foods of Brandenburg, Germany

1) Spreewald Gurken (Spreewald Pickles):

Brandenburg is renowned for its Spreewald Gurken, or pickles, known for their crispness and unique flavors. These pickles often accompany traditional dishes and are a local delicacy.

2) Fischbrötchen (Fish Sandwich):

Due to its numerous lakes and waterways, freshwater fish is prominent in Brandenburg cuisine. Fischbrötchen, a fish sandwich, allows you to savor the flavors of locally caught fish simply and deliciously.

3) Kartoffelsuppe (Potato Soup):

Kartoffelsuppe, or potato soup, is a comforting and hearty dish. It often includes local ingredients like potatoes, vegetables, and sometimes sausages, providing warmth during the colder months.

4) Brandenburger Kübiskernöl (Brandenburg Pumpkin Seed Oil):

Pumpkin seed oil is a specialty in Brandenburg, adding a distinctive nutty flavor to salads, soups, and dressings. It’s a unique and flavorful addition to local cuisine.

5) Havelzander (Havel Zander):

Zander, a type of perch found in the Havel River, is a popular fish in Brandenburg. Havelzander dishes showcase the fresh and delicate flavor of this regional catch.

6) Leinöl mit Quark und Pellkartoffeln (Linseed Oil with Quark and Boiled Potatoes):

A simple yet wholesome dish, Leinöl mit Quark und Pellkartoffeln consists of linseed oil, quark (a type of fresh cheese), and boiled potatoes. This dish highlights local produce and is a favorite among those seeking a nutritious meal.

Key Tips for Travelers Planning to Visit Brandenburg, Germany

1) Explore Beyond Berlin:

While Berlin is a must-visit, venture into smaller towns like Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel to experience the region’s diverse charm.

2) Savor Local Flavors:

Indulge in regional specialties like Spreewald gherkins and local fish dishes. Visit markets to enjoy authentic Brandenburg cuisine.

3) Discover Lakes and Nature:

Take advantage of the region’s picturesque lakes and nature reserves. Consider biking through Havilland or exploring the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve.

4) Immerse in History:

Visit historical landmarks such as Sanssouci Palace and Babelsberg Palace. Dive into the rich history of Brandenburg through its castles and open-air museums.

5) Engage with Locals:

Connect with locals for insider tips. Engaging with the community can lead to unique experiences and a deeper understanding of the region.

6) Consider Local Accommodations:

Opt for unique accommodations like guesthouses or traditional stays to immerse yourself in the local atmosphere and hospitality.


Brandenburg awaits—an adventure where each step unravels a new story, where every smile exchanged with a local becomes a chapter in your travel narrative. So, pack your curiosity and sense of wonder, for Brandenburg is not just a destination; it’s an invitation to create a travel saga uniquely yours. Let the adventure unfold!

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