
About Us- HTA: Study in Germany

Two students from the University of Bayreuth came up with the idea to better inform people about studying abroad in Germany. Since the two founders are studying in Germany, they often receive questions from others that are interested in studying abroad as well. People ask questions such as: How can you apply to a German university? And which university should I apply to? Considering the questions like these that the co-founders receive, they decided to make a website where they would share information on how to study abroad in Germany.

Firstly, they looked into which information is out there already. Apparently, there are consultancies which charge a huge sum of money (between €400 and €1000 ) to provide information on studying abroad. These services of consultancies are not accessible to everyone. Since the founders feel that everyone should have equal access to education, they decided that they would create a website where individuals can easily access all the information required to make an informed decision about studying in Germany. This led to the formation of How to Abroad. Initially, we will be covering German universities only, but if the information proves helpful, we might also expand our website to include universities in other European countries.

How To Abroad
How To Abroad

Our focus at present would be to provide information related to the following topics :

  • Pursuing a master’s degree in Germany

  • The application process of German universities, TU9, and much more

  • Housing accommodation in Germany

  • Visa process in Germany

  • Pre -post-admission assistance.

Our motto at present is very simple: Help those who want to study in Germany.


What Articles do we write for our audience?

As we have consulted many students around the world we know exactly what problems a candidate faces while applying to get admission to German universities. On the basis of these problems faced by students, we have posted many articles on the below topics.

  • Top 10 universities in Germany
  • How to apply for German university
  • Admission process
  • Cost of living in Germany
  • How to calculate your grades in German terms
  • Best courses offered by German universities
  • Best places to visit near the university
  • Cost of education and many more.

Deep research-We know what your problems are!

We spend an ample amount of time on research before writing an article for you. We always try to put our foot in your shoes to know what problems you would face while looking to get admission in an international university. We are not just writing any kind of article and we write articles to solve our audience problem. Research helps us in many terms which we are mentioning below:   

  • It helps us to see what problem our audiences are facing
  • Helps us to see what our competitors are doing
  • Keep us updating about the university’s admission date and deadlines.
  • Helps us to do something different which our competitors are not offering.

Our Goal 

Our main goal is to aware our audience about the study opportunities in Germany for masters and graduation and to help them to get admission by providing quality consultation.

What services do we offer to our audience?

  • One to one personal consultation
  • Personal consultation support
  • University shortlisting
  • European CV writing
  • Standard operating procedure writing
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • CV review
  • Standard operating procedure review
  • Letter of Recommendation review
  • University application review
  • Pre-admission assistance
  • Post-admission assistance


If you are still here, congratulations! You know, who we are and what we do. Still, confused or not sure which university would be best for you? No worries, we are here to help. Let us know, what you are really looking for. “Contact us” now.

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