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49 Euro ticket-Everything you need to know -Update 02/02/2023

49 Euro ticket-Everything you need to know

As you are already aware, Germany has implemented a national €49 ticket. However, there are certain concerns among the public over the 49 Euro ticket. Following the enormous success of the nine-euro tickets, which allowed travelers to travel by bus and rail across Germany in June, July, and August. The new countrywide local transportation ticket will cost users 49 euros per month. The biggest discount promotion in the history of German local transportation was called “9 Euro,” and it was a resounding success with customers. By the end of August, the9 ticket had sold over 52 million copies.

Update on 02/02/2023: 49 Euro tickets

  • The Deutschlandticket will be valid for local public transport starting May 1, 2023
  • The ticket is priced at 49 euros and is valid nationwide (Germany only) on all buses and trains
  • The ticket can be subscribed to on a monthly basis with automatic extension each month unless notice is given
  • Bicycles are not allowed to be ridden for free with this ticket
  • Employers can provide the ticket as a job ticket with a discount of at least 30 percent through employer and government discounts
  • The 49-euro ticket is planned to be in effect for a two-year introductory phase, after which it may become more expensive as the subscription fee is tied to the inflation rate.

Update on 01/12/2022: 49 Euro tickets

  • As per the latest updates, the ticket will come into effect starting April 2023 rather than 1st January 2023 due to funding issues.
  • This date might still be dicey as it was announced that they are aiming for 1st of April 2023 to start it.

Update on 02/11/2022: 49 Euro tickets

Amazing news for all German citizens.

  • The prime ministers of Federal states and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) decided to fund the 49-euro ticket jointly on Tuesday, November 2, 2022; each would give 1.5 billion euros.
  • The federal government will also permanently transfer an additional billion euros for public transportation.
  • 9.4 billion in regionalization grants are presently being paid by the federal government.
  • These funds are used by the federal states to place orders with transportation corporations for buses and trains. A billion euros already exist from another bucket in addition.
49 Euro ticket-Everything you need to know
49 Euro ticket-Everything you need to know

Beginning of 2023 (Tentatively 1st January), the 49-euro ticket will be made available. Whether the new ticket’s intentions can actually be carried out so soon depends on how quickly the remaining questions concerning the new ticket are answered. Here, finance is the prominent concern.

    • All local transportation will have a 49-euro ticket starting in 2023.
    • The 49-euro ticket will be offered as a subscription with monthly cancellation options.
    • Costs are split between the federal and state governments.
    • The “Deutschlandticket” will cost 49 euros and be accessible digitally and as a plastic card.

Where can I get a 49-euro ticket?

The €49 tickets should be available digitally, but current plans also call for plastic card availability. Its exact location has not yet been determined. The points of sale, however, are likely to be the same as those for the nine-euro ticket.

What is the validity of the 49-euro ticket?

The 49-euro ticket should also allow for travel throughout Germany on trains and buses, just like the €9 tickets did last summer. This, however, only applies to local transportation. The ticket excludes long-distance trains like the ICE, IC, or EC.

Does everyone have to pay the same 49 euro ticket?

All customers’ tickets will be the same price, at 49 euros. The previously known programs do not include discounts for students, trainees, or other low-income individuals.
But Berlin’s Liberal Democrat Senator for Transport Bettina Jarasch has already stated that she would provide an alternative strategy for the federal capital. In order to establish socially graded offers that are then valid all over the country, Jarasch intends to “build a model for how we utilize the €49 tickets in Berlin,” according to Jarasch. The local transportation ticket, therefore, transforms into “a true eco-social product for everyone.” The lawmaker didn’t specify how such a grading system would be implemented.

Why do consumers react to the 49-euro ticket?

The consumer centers demand more consideration of social factors. According to the dpa news agency on Friday, Jutta Gurkmann, head of consumer policy at the Federal Association (vzbv), “Local public transportation must be affordable for everyone, regardless of wealth.” Particularly transfer payment recipients, but also low-income individuals without access to government assistance, find little use in €49 tickets.
According to the Pro Bahn Association, a 49 euro ticket is still too costly for those with little financial resources. Karl-Peter Naumann of the dpa, the honorary chairman of Pro-Bahn, stated that “the watering can concept is not breached with this.” For these folks, we require a more affordable option.

What are the alternatives to the 49-euro ticket?

The Federal Association of Consumer Centers had asked for a 29-euro ticket that can be purchased both as a subscription and as a single ticket each month in order to provide significant incentives for switching to public transportation.
A 29-euro ticket for local transportation had also been advocated for by the environmental group Greenpeace. This would not have cost the state any more than the 49-euro alternative, according to an NGO investigation. Five polls on consumers’ desire to purchase various ticket kinds were taken into consideration for the calculation, among other things.

Consumers and frequent travelers will undoubtedly feel much better if the national local transportation agreement of 49 euros replaces the €9 tickets. Beginning on January 1, 2023, 49-euro tickets will be implemented. Save the date for further details.

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