How to find universities based on your location preference ?

How to find universities based on your location preference?
Before moving into Germany it is really crucial to know about how to find universities based on your location preference. Germany is famous for so many things like Cars, Football, Bread & Sausages, Cathedrals & Monuments, Beer and the last one is definitely going to amaze you because it is “Free education”. Yes, you are right. Germany is famous for its high-quality education at no cost. Germany has so many public and private universities which offer free education and even offer you an opportunity to grab 100% scholarship for both national and international students.
How to select universities based on your location preference?
You can easily find the details of any university on google but the real question is “how you can select the Universities in Germany based on your location preference”? You can always use Google Maps to see the directions of the university right? then what are we doing for you. Let us make your job easy for you. We have created a map for our audience which will help you to locate the university which you like. Before you will proceed further, we would like to inform you, we have divided the map of Germany into eight parts which are mentioned below:
- East
- West
- North
- South
- Northeast (Area under green triangle)
- Northwest(Area under green triangle)
- Southeast(Area under green triangle)
- Southwest(Area under green triangle)
- Central Germany(under circle)

Each part of Germany is famous for various reasons which will discuss but before that, we would like to inform, Germany has 16 states and each state has multiple cities so, if you have any preference based on location, you can easily select your favorite university and courses offered by the university by using our map.
List of states in Germany:
- Baden-Württemberg(South)
- Bavaria(South)
- Berlin(East)
- Brandenburg(North east)
- Bremen(North)
- Hamburg(North)
- Hesse(central)
- Lower Saxony(North west)
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania(Northeast)
- North Rhine-Westphalia(West)
- Rhineland-Palatinate(South west)
- Saarland(South west)
- Saxony(East)
- Saxony-Anhalt(Northeast)
- Schleswig-Holstein(North)
- Thuringia(Central)
1. Eastern part of Germany
If you love traveling and are enthusiastic about history, art, architecture, and visiting new places is your hobby then, you will definitely be going to love the eastern part of Germany and the best part is you can easily locate your favorite university by using our map. Let me mention a few top universities in the eastern part of Germany for you:
-HTW Dresden – University of Applied Sciences
-Dresden School of Management
–University of Leipzig
–HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
2. Northern part of Germany
The northern part of Germany is famous for its tourist destination. if you’re are a beach lover and you want to see beaches, hills and dairy farms then this place is best for you. Choosing a university in this part of Germany will definitely give you a good experience while studying.
A few top universities in this area are:
–Lubeck University of Applied Sciences
–Leibniz University of Hanover
–University of Kiel
3. Western part of Germany
The official name of West Germany is the “Federal Republic of Germany”. This part of Germany is famous for Industries, beautiful rivers, coal mines, and vineyards which gives Germany 80% of the export of vines. Famous states in this part are Cologne, Bonn, Aachen, and many more. Good food and the best class industry will help you to get good experience and knowledge.
A few top universities in this area are:
–Cologne University of Applied Sciences
–RWTH Aachen University
–University of Bonn
4. Southern part of Germany
The southern part of Germany is the most economically strong part of Germany. This part of Germany consists of the black forest, the Alps, and rivers like Danube, Rhone, and Rhine. This part of Germany is known for its beautiful architecture. You can definitely consider this part of Germany for studies.
A few top universities in this area are:
-University of Munich
–Ulm University of Applied Sciences
–Stuttgart Media University
I am sure, our map will help you to choose your favorite university as per your preferred location. If you are still not sure in which part of Germany your university is located, you can always see our Germany map and know the university location.
As you are now know how to locate city and university by our map. Let me share some famous cities and courses offered by German universities with you to give you a view of Germany.
Most popular cities in Germany:
- Nuremberg
- Hamburg
- Berlin
- Munich
- Neuschwanstein
- Frankfurt
- Mainz
Most popular courses in German universities:
- Engineering
- Business Management
- Humanities
- Maths and Computer Sciences
- Fine and Applied Arts
You can see the detailed information about universities and courses offered by them here.
If you have any queries regarding any university, programs offered by the university, or the application process, you can contact us here.