
Studying In Germany vs in US or UK

Studying In Germany vs in US or UK

Germany has a remarkable education system across the globe as does UK and US. UK and US are known for some of the best universities. Also, whenever there is a discussion about quality education at a low-cost Germany tops the list. Although all these countries have a remarkable education system, you need to keep some points in mind before making a decision about studying in Germany or US, or the UK.

Studying In Germany vs in US or UK
Studying In Germany vs in US or UK

Tuition fee for Studying in Germany vs UK or US

Public universities in Germany charge zero tuition fees and this is applicable to all students across the globe. However, you may need to pay some semester contributions, but the amount is as less as 200-500 euros. Whereas talking about US or UK, you need to pay a lot of money for your tuition fee. For foreign students, this fee is sometimes two or three times what native students pay. The fee usually ranges from 9000 euros to 20,000 euros per year.

Living Costs

Germany is not very much different from UK or US in terms of living costs. Monthly expenditure is usually around 800-900 euros in Germany. In addition to this, you need to keep 10,000 euros in a blocked account. US or UK generally cost around 900-1,000 euros in terms of living. the one thing you need to keep in mind is that this amount is in addition to the college fee.

Language Barrier

Language is an important aspect of the study. If you are willing to study in Germany and you are completely unaware of the German language, then this can be quite tough for you. Though there are multiple courses that are available in the English language in Germany still for communicating with the natives you need to know a little bit of German. Whereas in UK or US you need to be proficient in the English language. Universities demand a specific level of English proficiency.

Overall studying in Germany or UK or the US is not much different. Germany provides you with some good opportunities along with studies to work and earn. In UK unpaid internships can be an issue. The universities in both countries are quite recognized across the globe. For choosing a country you need to be clear about your need and the resources you have. Overall Germany is a good and well-known destination for obtaining quality education at low costs.

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