
bielefeld university

University of Bielefeld was established in Germany as a public institution in 1969. The goal of the university is to be a Reform University. The university is situated near the Teutoburg Forest in the west of Bielefeld. There are 116 undergraduate and graduate programs provided by the university which has rapidly established itself. It came up among the first of the German universities to switch some faculties e.g. biology to Bachelor or Master-degrees as part of the Bologna Process. An extensive multi-phase modernization project has been started by University which is to be completed by 2025. 24,875 students were admitted to different courses at Bielefeld University in 2017. The foreign student population is 7.9 percent of all the students. University’s campus offers space for research and development institutes and centers. A metropolitan region with an environmentally friendly location is developing in the vicinity of the university campus.

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