
SRH Dresden School of Management Internships

SRH Dresden School of Management Internships:

This tag contains all the information regarding SRH Dresden School of Management Internships. SRH Dresden School of Management is one of six business schools spread over three cities: Berlin, Dresden, and Hamburg, which is part of SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences as a whole. It was founded in 2009 as the Hotel-Akademie Dresden and currently offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in tourism, hotel management, events management and health to thousands of International students.

This contains information about university like their overall rankings, internships or jobs available near them, information regarding housing & accommodation, cost of living, courses for international students, etc. There are numerous internship possibilities at DSM. At the university, one might serve as a student intern or even a student assistant. The SRH Career Portal also is available to students which can help navigate a student through the opportunities at DSM. Lidl, IKEA, DHL are some places one can work. In DSM, Students work together to gain specialized knowledge and enhance their soft and hard qualities. The School relies on direct interaction to selected place expertise. Also, personalized guidance, digital communication, and continual feedback are all important in this School of Management.

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